Monday, April 15, 2013


We move on to Girona, a city established in 79 BC, ruled by Visigoths, Moors, Romans, French and Spanish. Girona is in a region of Spain called Catalonia. Catalonia is still fiercely trying to gain their independence from Spain and the Catalan flag can be seen flying from almost every balcony throughout the region. Barcelona is also a Catalan city and the region has it's own language, a combination of Latin, French with a tiny bit of Spanish, which is still spoken, along with traditional Spanish.
The city is also known for it's ancient Jewish Quarter called the "Call" and the site of one of the most important Kabballistic schools preserved in Europe. Girona is also referred to as the Venice of Spain, referencing the convergence of the four rivers that flow through the center of the city.
Of the several bridges that span the river, one was designed by the same individual who designed the Eiffel Tower.
Before we see any more sites we stop for lunch.
This is where I eat "Thumper"...yummy!
 ...our wonderful tour guide, Saskia, giving me the bunny ears.
She is brilliant as well as gorgeous!
(Writing this blog is so much easier on my PC. The phone sometimes had a mind of it's own. We are pretending I'm still in Spain, just in case you were confused).

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