Friday, April 5, 2013

It's a 3 so far...Barcelona...

We are here, the weather is rainy and cold and our apartment has not lived up to our expectations. We are tired and whiny. I hope things improve tomorrow.
Cal washed her clothes, the washer is sick and the spin cycle is tired. Her clothes are dripping...hopefully dry, on racks in the hall. The oven doesn't work...Carlos we have a problem!
Our beautiful hotel in Sevilla...
Our apartment in Barcelona...
Cal's laundry...
We did go shopping and were planning on cooking while we were here, but unless the oven is fixed tomorrow, that might have been a little fantasizing. This is what we bought when we thought we were still cool travelers...
The grocery store charges extra if you use a cart...ah...that's while you're in the store amigas!
I hope tomorrow is better. We plan on buying transportation passes, so we can (attempt to) use the transit. Our trial run will be to the Picasso Museum.

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