Sunday, April 14, 2013

...more Dali day

I was never a big Dali admirer until today. Not only was he prolific,  but he was also an excellent draftsman and a creative genius...crazy perhaps, but genius. He planned the museum and is buried, or entomb in a wall without any adornment, surrounded by his work. This is where Dali is today watching over his creation and all who come to view his genius. Side note; he wanted the museum to be free and without descriptions or meanings assigned to his pieces. You know those lengthy postings next to art in shows that tell you what "it's all about". He felt the work should speak for itself...I love this philosophy.
Wow, a gigantic hood ornament!
This vintage Cadillac belonged to Dali and Gala, his wife. As much as I wish to share everything with you , there are limits. But, if you are interested, research Gala Dali. It was a unique arrangement ...supposedly an unconsumated marriage. However, that doesn't nearly explain their life together.
A large mural with shadow from domed skylight.
This is a ceiling in one of the rooms. Dali had a thing for drawers.
My friends who will be traveling to Europe soon, and seeing art, always look up...sometimes the best work is literally over your head!
A series of mirror dual image paintings; this one of Gala and Dali.
He was reported to have had a thing for research.
Sadly, we must leave Dali now. I have 100 pics I wish I could share;  one of the few museums to allow photos. Onward to Girona, lunch, the Jewish Museum and a walk on a Roman wall.

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